- Caller’s name and relationship to absent student
- Student’s full name
- Spelling of student's last name
- Room number
- Date(s) of absence
- Reason(s) for absence
- Caller's phone number
Excusable absences include:
- Illness
- Medical/dental appointment
- Death or funeral of immediate family member.
Parents/guardians may clear excused absences by providing the school office with a signed note within 72 hours of the absence that includes the current date, student’s name, and exact days he/she was absent.
- Students must work twice as hard the next day to catch up on missed instruction and missed assignments including homework.
- Teachers lose class time by having to repeat lessons for students who were absent.
- Schools lose funding from the State of California when students are absent from school. This includes all absences, even those related to illness, medical, or dental appointments.
- A loss of funding can lead to the loss of programs such as music, technology, summer school, etc.
- Creating a contract with your child;
Discussing problems your child may have at school and informing teachers about anything serious;
Reinforcing the importance of punctuality;
- Setting regular bedtime schedules;
Incorporating regular exercise in your child's daily activities.
- Teach children to wash their hands properly, especially after using the restroom, and frequently throughout the day.
- Provide healthy, nutritious food and a good breakfast everyday. Reduce the consumption of soda and foods with processed sugar, while increasing daily intake of fruits and vegetables.
- Designate regular and consistent bedtimes for children, so they can receive 8 hours of sleep each night.
- Cough into the elbow to reduce the spread of germs.
HIP Pocket
Lost and Found
Student Pick-Up and Drop-Off
Students who have been identified as truant (5 or more unexcused absences and/or 10 tardies) will be presented with an attendance contract or attendance improvement plan.
Regular truancy meetings will be held with students and their parents/guardians to improve the student's attendance rate. Our schoolwide average daily attendance (ADA) goal is 98%.
Uniform and Dress Code
Our school has adopted a color-specific uniform policy and will enforce a strict dress code. Uniforms may be purchased at any of the following retail vendors:
- Children’s Place
- CookiesKids.com
- Dickies.com
- FrenchToast.com
- JC Penney
- Kohl’s
- Landsend.com
- Old Navy/Gap
- Sears
- Simply Uniforms in Colma (PTA recommended)
- Target
School-branded shirts, hoodies, and crewneck sweatshirts are available for purchase at the school office, and the parent teacher association (PTA) also runs a gently used uniform program.
Parents should write their child's name name on the inside of all garments. All students must adhere to the following guidelines.
Our blue plaid uniforms have been phased out and are no longer acceptable.
Please contact the principal for noncompliance/waiver procedures.

Sunshine Gardens spirit wear t-shirts/sweatshirts.
- White

- Polos (collared)
- Short-sleeved
- Long-sleeved
Sunshine Gardens spirit wear t-shirts
Sunshine Gardens spirit wear sweatshirts
The following clothing tops do NOT conform with the school's uniform/dress code policy and are NOT ALLOWED:
- Tops with outside writing, printing, designs, patterns, symbols, graphics, or logos;
- Tops that are ragged or torn;
- Tops that are oversized;
- Tops that expose a student's back, shoulder, midriff, or chest (e.g., halter tops, low cut necklines, mesh fabrics);
- Tank tops or undershirts*
*Plain, solid, white, or navy undershirts should be worn under the top.
All bottoms for boys and girls must be plain, solid, fitted at the waist, and hemmed.
- Black
- No designs allowed on pant
- Pants
- Sweatpants
- Skirts
**The length of shorts, skorts, skirts, and jumpers must pass the mid-thigh. (to test: stand with arms at side, length cannot be shorter than fingertips). Plain, solid, white or navy leggings and spandex shorts should be worn under skirts and jumpers, not by themselves. All undergarments must be concealed.
The following bottoms do NOT conform with the school's uniform/dress code policy and are NOT ALLOWED:
- Jeans
- Sweatpants
- Pajamas
- Bottoms that are ragged or torn
- Bottoms that are oversized
- Royal blue
- White
- V-neck, blue cardigan sweaters
- Sunshine Gardens spirit wear sweatshirts
- Jackets
- Coats
- Any color
- Thongs
- Sandals
- Opened-toed shoes
- Backless shoes
- High heels
- “Wheelies”
- Earrings larger than a 25-cent quarter (e.g., hoops, dangles)
- Valuable jewelry
- Makeup and lipstick
Students who continually fail to comply with the school uniform/dress code policy will face disciplinary action that includes confiscation of the inappropriate clothing item and/or suspension (State Education Code 48800K).
Pictures, symbols, emblems, insignias on clothing or accessories are strictly prohibited when deemed:
- Contrary to law (e.g., advertising drugs, alcohol, tobacco, gambling, weapons, and gangs);
- Degrading/advocating any cultural, racial, ethnic, homophobic, sexist or religious prejudices; or
- Crude, vulgar, profane, obscene or sexually suggestive or explicit