State Testing is Approaching! Se acercan los exámenes estatales Our students in 3rd-5th grade will be participating in April and May and we encourage our Stallions to get a good night's sleep and have breakfast every morning to be prepared for the test! Please ensure they are on time every day as students will be celebrated for PERFECT attendance through the testing window!Nuestros estudiantes de 3.º a 5.º grado participarán en abril y mayo y animamos a nuestros sementales a dormir bien por la noche y desayunar todas las mañanas para estar preparados para el examen. ¡Asegúrese de llegar a tiempo todos los días ya que los estudiantes serán celebrados por su asistencia PERFECTA durante la ventana de exámenes!
Morning Drop Off & Dismissal Areas To ensure students enter and exit campus in a safe manner, please look at these maps for their designated locations of entering and exiting campus. Due to limited spaces, parking in the parking lot is for Sunshine Teachers and Staff only.
Measure T School Improvement Bond Measure The SSFUSD school board approved a $436 Million bond measure for the November 2022 ballot.